Tuesday, 21 April 2015

DeBunking Myths about using essential oils during pregnancy

I am 27 weeks pregnant at the moment and I have been using essential oils since week 16.
It went like this...I had a bad headache.  No amount of water I drank, or tylenol I took could take the brain numbing pain away:(  I started looking for other remedies and came across peppermint essential oils, immediately went out and bought some and within minutes I felt relief.  I haven;t touched any kind of pain reliever since (and it is a darn good thing because those pain relievers can cause liver damage).
I was amazed!  I remembered that a friend of mine was using essential oils and posting on facebook quite a bit on how she used them, so I wanted to see which products she used, because quite honestly her and her husband have never steered me wrong before when it came to my health.  I knew that she had used essential oils throughout her pregnancy, labour, and postpartum as well.

After I picked her brain and set myself up with some awesome doTERRA oils, she recommended a book called Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth, and Babies by Stephanie Fritz.  After reading it I felt confident in my decision to use essential oils during my pregnancy.  I continued my research and to this day still read articles on this topic.  Today I found this extremely informative article that I would like to share!

This is NOT a “HOW TO” article, but one that is focused on DEBUNKING THE COMMON MYTHS associated with the use of essential oils while pregnant.

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

FDA WARNING!! Lets get this out of the way...

In September 2014, the FDA sent letters to 2 major distributers of essential oils, doTERRA and Young Living.  The letters were warnings regarding the language that was being used to promote the products stating that the essential oils companies are making claims that should require the products to be regulated as a "drug".  Insert eye eye roll here.

Here the FDA is slowly making their way into regulating the creation and distribution of essential oils, which currently they are not a part of.  They are simply warning the companies of a compliance issue where claims are being made that essential oils can prevent or cure disease or have drug-like qualities like anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial etc.  The wording needs to be changed on websites and other materials for compliance.  Because both of the above companies use consultants (multi level marketing) there are definitely some people who sell the oils that make claims that are not compliant.  

They are not stating that essential oils are not safe.  It isn't a warning that you should not use essential oils.

They are simply wanting to protect and inform the general public and I am sure the general public will appreciate it!  I look at this as an opportunity for essential oils to get the good name the deserve and for more people to begin using them as an alternative to "drugs".  Unfortunately, all of this publicity is being looked at like the essential oil companies are doing something bad, and some people have negative views of the industry because of this.  

These are just my views my friends...and by no means do I think that if you do not share my views you are wrong.  I have always said, "There is more than one way to skin a cat"...not that I would ever skin a cat.  Seriously, never.  

Yes, essential oils need to be used correctly.  There are some oils that are hot and caustic that need to be diluted with carrier oils on sensitive skin, or have cooling properties which can be uncomfortable for some users.  I myself used Deep Blue Rub the other day on my neck and found it a bit too intense...so I added a carrier oil immediately to calm the feeling and the product eased my tense neck muscles like i wanted it to.  People can have allergic reactions to oils just like they can have reactions to FDA approved drugs like penicillin.  Care must be taken and oils should be spot tested on skin before you rub it all over your body (like that hair dye you are supposed to spot test before use). You can read an injury report on some of the incidents that have occurred from the Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy.  It is just a small compilation and of course there are others (since it is not regulated).
Here is some information from the FDA on the use of Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and liver damage. It is an FDA approved drug.  I am not going tit for tat here.  There is a time and place for Acetaminophen, yet because the FDA approves it for over the counter use people BELIEVE it is safe.  When is the last time you looked at the dosage for your pain medication?  I myself know that 2 extra strength tylenol do not usually touch the chronic pain that I used to have in my back and I would likely pop 3-4 in my mouth without batting an eye...and I have been doing this for years!  Not to mention the times I took it after a crazy night out with my girlfriends and a few bottles of wine to ease the pain of my hangover (Acetaminophen + Alcohol = a recipe for liver damage).  Now it is in my best interest to protect my liver!

But certainly without over use and proper dosages, Acetaminophen can be used safely.  But that is your call to make based on the research.

Okay FDA...what is a drug??

"If a product is intended for a therapeutic use, such as treating or preventing disease, or to affect the structure or function of the body, it’s a drug. For example, claims that a product will relieve colic, ease pain, relax muscles, treat depression or anxiety, or help you sleep are drug claims.
Such claims are sometimes made for products such as soaps, lotions, and massage oils containing “essential oils” and marketed as “aromatherapy.” The fact that a fragrance material or other ingredient comes from a plant doesn’t keep it from being regulated as a drug.
Under the law, drugs must meet requirements such as FDA approval for safety and effectiveness before they go on the market. To find out if a product marketed with drug claims is FDA-approved, contact FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), at CDERDrugInfo@FDA.gov."
My thoughts on this is that synthetic drugs should be regulated differently then natural and pure counter parts.  The FDA can regulate them (or another government body) in a different classification so that the information is out there and everyone can get the SAME information about these products.  It would be great to have a standard for oil production to keep the products safe and in the purest form for the correct usage (as oils for perfumery use have different purity standards than oils meant for use "neat" or to be ingested).  
I love this article by AromaWeb which actually got me going on this blog entry.  Especially this comment:  
"I grow peppermint in my back yard.  If I was to harvest some and sell it to you with the statement that it might potentially help with digestive complaints, my fresh peppermint would probably now be classified as a drug by the FDA even though that very same peppermint could be used to flavour candies. And because I did not seek and obtain approval from the FDA, I would probably not be in compliance with their regulations."
All I ask is that you make sure your essential oils are pure.  If you are interested in the chemistry of essential oils (like nerdy me) join Dr. Pappas on his Facebook Page Essential Oil University.  Just like anything you use please do your research if you feel it necessary.  Just because it is on the shelf at the store does not always make it safe we all understand this from recalls of products.  You ultimately have to feel good about the products you use everyday...it is your due diligence!

The FDA claims many things that are safe which contain known carcinogens or endocrine disruptors, it is definitely up to you to make a safety call for you and your family.

You are in control of your health!

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Friday, 17 April 2015

doTERRA's Mother's Day Promotion to be released April 24th!

We’ve got an exciting new Limited Time Offer coming for Mother’s Day! Check back next Friday, April 24th for the release.

I am pretty excited to see what this will be this year.  As a mama myself...I am definitely okay with getting some new oils or a diffuser for Mother's Day!

Last years promotion was a 5ml bottle of Whisper, Balance, and Serenity all packed up in a cute little wooden box.

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What is a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate?

What is a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate? Well, before we get going let me tell you the 2 most important things you should know about enrolling in doTTERA ;
NO selling and NO monthly minimum required.
Now that we have that out of the way we can get to what a doTERRA WELLNESS Advocate is.
There seems to be some confusion as to what a doTERRA Wellness Advocate is.  It’s not complicated and, if you’re an essential oil lover like me, it would benefit you to become one.
First things first, a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, helps educate and empower people on a more natural and healthy way of living.  Thanks to the FREE doTERRA educational programs, they are  knowledgeable about doTERRA  products and can help determine what oils fit specifics needs, how to use and/or apply the products, and even get people started on sharing their own knowledge and become a Wellness Advocate themselves. However, they are not obligated to share. 
To become part of the doTERRA Family all you need is a passion for a more natural approach to living and willing to learn and possibly share the experience with others. 
Once you enrolled with doTERRA you become part of a huge, supportive community that will help guide you through everything.  As mentioned, there are FREE online courses as well as daily phone calls (live and recorded), Facebook groups and special events.  doTERRA believes knowledge is power and you will not be left to figure it all out on your own.


That’s up to you. When I was first enrolled as a IPC I started with the smallest kit possible, the Intro Kit,  just to get started. I wish I had more money at the time to get a larger kit, but my circumstances were what they were. 
In addition, I work a 40hr+ job, take care of my family and manage my blog.  If I can find time to share this knowledge, I’m sure you can find time too! 
There are some amazing enrollment kit options, but if those are still out of your current price range, you can still sign up at the $35.00 enrollment fee, grab a couple of oils and start from there.


  1. Purchase products at wholesale prices – 25% below retail prices.
  2. Earn FREE product credits in the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)
  3. Own your own personalized web shopping site (no monthly fee) to which you can refer your personal customers and receive retail bonuses.
  4. Receive additional doTERRA special product promotions and discounts.
  5. Online Essential Oil education
  6. Residual income, should you choose to build a business
  7. Me! I am here to answer your questions, discuss product choices, help you share the oils with loved ones and even help you build a business.
  8. Enrollment gifts from me


You bet!
You don’t have to build a business in order to start your own wholesale account and no need to sell anyone anything.
In time, you might want to build a business and that’s great, but perhaps using the oils and spreading the word is more comfortable for you.  Regardless, you can still open a wholesale account and have all the tools, such as The Oils Game and Oils U, right at your finger tips. 



THERE ISN’T ONE!  IF you want to earn bonuses and residual income you must have a personal Loyalty Rewards (LRP) order of 100PV or more per month.  To receive free product you must have a LRP order of 125pv placed by the 15th of each month.   That’s it! 
NO selling and NO monthly minimum required for those that strictly want to benefit from the wholesale prices!



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Tummy Troubles? There's an oil for that!

Many essential oils have been recognized through research as powerful agents to help restore normal balance in the digestive system. DigestZen takes advantage of these well-established therapeutic compounds in a proprietary blend of pure essential oils. When used internally, doTERRA’s DigestZen brings soothing digestive relief.

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